In the food-processing arena, foul odors can vary widely, and can be very difficult to fully mitigate. In addition, production facilities located close to neighboring residents and businesses, are susceptible to odor complaints and can even be fined by state and local government agencies. For…
Today, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of industrial operations that are located within or near small towns and even large cities. When local residents constantly smell these industrial processes – particularly from wastewater treatment — unhappy neighborhoods are generally the result….
Welcome to the “Clearing the Air” News Round Up post from OMI Industries. We have compiled the latest industrial odor control news stories for your reference, arming you with the right information to keep your facilities odor-free. If you have any news that you would…
In today’s era of sustainability and recycling, there are many new efforts to reclaim leftover food scraps and convert them into natural liquid fertilizers. These efforts expand beyond consumer composting, and are being implemented on an industrial scale. But there are consequences, albeit unintended, to…
Today’s wastewater treatment facilities deal with numerous odor challenges. From pump stations to head works, primary clarifiers, digesters, lagoons and sludge handling areas, foul odors come from a wide-variety of sources and can be difficult to fully address. In addition, everything from hydrogen sulfide to…
It used to be that wastewater treatment facilities were located far from homes, restaurants, businesses and parks. However, urban sprawl in many cities has changed this landscape, and many treatment plants now exist in heavily populated areas. As was recently highlighted in this Water &…