Asphalt Odor Control

Stop odors and complaints.

Ecosorb Offers the Asphalt Industry a Solution to Odor Control

The production of hot mix paving asphalt generates odors that can be strong, persistent, and a nuisance to employees and neighbors. Controlling and abating these odors can be a challenge.

Ecosorb is effective in controlling nuisance odor emissions in refining, terminals, hot mix plants, and transport operations around the US and internationally.

Ecosorb by OMI Industries invites you to St. Louis for World of Asphalt 2025! We will be there, along with experts in every avenue of the industry. Stop by at our booth 4546!

Benefits of Ecosorb

Plant Oils

Ecosorb harnesses the power to plant oils to combat bad odors


Coexist better with your neighbors by partnering with Ecosorb to control your malodor


Research & testing prove Ecosorb works


Our Engineers & Chemists create customized, total odor control solutions

refinery blender industry photo


Ecosorb offers a comprehensive solution for refineries and blenders, effectively managing and neutralizing odors through advanced additive treatments and vapor stack treatments.

Our innovative formulas are designed to seamlessly integrate with existing systems, ensuring efficient odor elimination without compromising operational integrity.

terminals and transportation handling for asphalt

Terminal/Transportation & Handling

Asphalt terminals tend to be located in industrial areas, often near rail and harbor access. However, they still have neighbors  — sometimes residential. The loading, unloading and transportation of asphalt can be a smelly process.

Odor issues and complaints can be eliminated through the use of Ecosorb Additive Treatment directly into transport trucks.  Vapor Stack applications can treat the odor at the source and prevent issues with neighboring communities.

hot mix asphalt and warm mix asphalt plants


Originally located in remote areas, Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) plants often find neighbors move closer to a plant and then complain about preexisting odors.

Plants can create sustainable asphalt odor control solutions and reduce the number of new complaints by blending Ecosorb Asphalt Additives into their binder.

Ecosorb’s Spec Oil Treatment and Vapor Stack Treatment offer exceptional odor control solutions that can enhance their operational efficiency, safeguard employee health, and foster positive community relations with a commitment to sustainable and effective odor management.

asphalt testing

Proven Effective in Lab Tests

Ecosorb additives for asphalt have been rigorously tested and proven effective through both independent and in-house laboratory evaluations. These comprehensive tests confirm that Ecosorb significantly reduces odors and volatile components in asphalt applications without compromising the material’s performance or quality.

Ecosorb offers comprehensive capabilities, including field testing that collects air samples directly from facilities during various production stages. These samples are analyzed using advanced analytical instruments, such as a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS), for precise molecular identification. Armed with this detailed information, our scientists identify the appropriate standard blend of Ecosorb products to target the most common airborne contaminants generated by typical processes. In some instances, facilities may require custom odor control blends. In these cases, our experienced scientists develop specialized formulas using specific plant oil blends to neutralize particular substances of concern.

Every product prescription is meticulously tailored to meet the unique needs of each asphalt process, ensuring optimal odor control and superior performance.

How to Use

Add the correct dilution quantity of Ecosorb additive to asphalt binders, fuel oil, and used oil fuels during transfer, storage, and handling processes. Unwanted odors are removed, even from burner exhaust.

Complete odor management can take place during manufacturing of asphalt products in plants, as it is loaded into trucks for transport, and even during road construction.

  • Ecosorb 1300 Series
    • Oil-Based Additive 1300A
    • Water-Based 1306
  • Ecosorb 806A – Hot Mix (Road) Asphalt
  • Custom Blends
Packaging Options
  • 5-gallon pails
  • 55-gallon drums
  • 275-gallon totes

Featured Case Studies

Learn more about custom odor solutions for your industry